These Kruger Park 4x4 trails are intended to bring you into close contact with some of the Parks most stunning environments and its wildlife. Even though it is not challenging, a four by four vehicle with a low range capacity is essential to minimize the chances of mishaps.

No advance bookings can be made and the trail can be reserved the night before or on the morning you wish to travel it.

The routes have been designed to take guests as close as possible to the different wilderness areas in the KNP and were carefully chosen to bring out the uniqueness of the different landscapes and associated fauna and flora.

They are not intended to test a 4x4 vehicle, however, only these vehicles are allowed on the trails as they reduce environmental impacts.

With a limit of six vehicles per trail per day, this is an excellent opportunity to acquaint yourself with the wild and test your skills on the diverse terrain awaiting your exploration.

Please note

The Adventure Trails are weather sensitive and can be booked only at the respective camps.

The four Adventure Trails

Madlabantu (Pretoriuskop - 42 km)
Translates to 'Man-Eater'. Begins on the Pretoriuskop - Fayi Loop and winds southward towards, and then along, the Nsikazi River through Big 5 country. The northern part of the trail leads north from the Napi Road and loops past Mtshawu Dam before turning south to rejoin the Napi Road near Shabeni Koppie.

The route is also traversed by a guided hiking trail, so dont be disturbed should you accidentally meet trailists en route.

Mananga (Satara - 46 km)
Translates to 'Wilderness'. Begins 11 km from Satara, traveling a short distance north before turning east into knob thorn / marula savannah.
Here you can expect herds of zebra, wildebeest, buffalo, and of course their predators including cheetah.

Nonokani (Phalaborwa Gate - 62 km)
Translates to 'Drive Slowly. From a little east of close to Masorini picnic site, 14 km from Phalaborwa Gate, this route meanders southward through mopane / bushwillow woodlands to Renvol Dam, an ideal spot for breakfast if you make an early start.

The route then continues towards and along the Olifants River where lunch can be eaten at any of the two viewpoints of the river itself. White rhino middens indicate the presence of these enormous animals in the area.

Look out for the many pure-white rock outcrops in the rugged Olifants River Bushveld. The trail eventually ends once past Sable Dam.

Northern Plains (Shingwedzi/Punda Maria - 49 km)
Begins 12 km. north of the Babalala picnic site and heads eastwards into mopane scrubveld, on sometimes slippery clays, before turning north through sandveld and into the baobab country of the Pafuri. The trail meets the main tar road at Baobab Hill.

Roan antelope are likely to be seen on this route.
There are no facilities along the routes and you should make sure that you bring out with you what you take in. Participants are requested to take their GPS with.

Other Activities

Outdoor Activities in Kruger Park varies from Game drives to the Kruger Park Wilderness Trails.

Kruger Park 4x4 Trails