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Guesthouse Accommodation in Jacobsbaai

Guesthouse listings with guest ratings, gradings and rates in Jacobsbaai.
Enter your Stay details to check availalibility and book online now.

Artist Nest Guest House

Artist Nest Guest House - 183498
Artist Nest is a private charming guest house within walking distance of the beach in Jacobsbaai, a small loveable town in the West Coast where you can walk and be free. It is the perfect getaway destination.
Location: Jacobsbaai, Western Cape
Distance from Jacobsbaai Centre : 0.6km**

West Coast Shores

West Coast Shores - 184915
West Coast Shores guest suites are located in two adjacent homesteads in a quiet cul-de-sac - one on the beach, and one a row back from the beach.
TGCSA Grading: Tgsa Grading Tgsa Grading Tgsa Grading Tgsa Grading
Location: Jacobsbaai, Western Cape
Distance from Jacobsbaai Centre : 1.4km**
* Indicative pricing, pricing will be confirmed on booking
**The distances are measured as a straight-line and do not necessarily reflect the actual travelling distance.