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Self-Catering Accommodation in Greyton

Self-Catering listings with guest ratings, gradings and rates in Greyton.
Enter your Stay details to check availalibility and book online now.

Die Wasbak

Die Wasbak - 151296
Die Wasbak - Greyton is an oasis in the heartland of history and takes its name from the original outside washing stand under an ancient pear tree - the Wasbak. A refreshed heart and soul is guaranteed. Old world charm with modern amenities, while a community spirit abounds. More...
Location: Greyton, Western Cape
Distance from Greyton Centre : 0.8km**

Greyton Toad Hall

Greyton Toad Hall - 216245
Greyton Toad Hall, a sprawling thatched guest-house was built in 1855 and caters for up to 18 and by arrangement/cost for 22. It boasts the largest pool in Greyton - a 10m by 5m sunny saltwater pool complete with a hand-painted toad! An 8-seater wood-fired hot tub adds to the pool fun. More...
Location: Greyton, Western Cape
Distance from Greyton Centre : 0.9km**
* Indicative pricing, pricing will be confirmed on booking
**The distances are measured as a straight-line and do not necessarily reflect the actual travelling distance.