On route the N1 South - From Bloemfontein to Colesberg; app. 185km South from Bloemfontein:
Take the Gariep/Bethulie (R701) off-ramp, and turn left onto R701.
Keep straight for Gariep Dam (do not turn off to Bethulie).
In app. 5 km - Turn left at Gariep Dam's main entrance (at the Shell Garage).
Once you have turned left, drive pass the Shell Garage and turn right into Tinktinkie Street (the first road one can take after passing the Shell Garage).
Keep straight over the 4-way stop, and go up the hill.
On top of the hill Tinktinkie Street becomes Loerie Street.
Keep straight, and go straight over the 3-way stop.
Turn right into the first street after the stop - Valk Street.
And immediately turn right into Uil Street.
Uil Street becomes Kiewiet Street:
Stoneridge is the 3rd house on the your left-hand side - 4 Kiewiet Street (kindly use the second entrance).
Kindly note that when you are on route from Cape Town on the N1 North - You need to take the first off-ramp after crossing the Orange River (app. 45km North from Colesberg), and then turn right onto the R701.
GPS Co-ordinates:
303602S 252930E