Pilanesberg Accommodation (1 Filter applied)

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Mbazo Safaris

Mbazo Safaris - 160754
What lies at the core of Mbazo’s success is a dream that puts you, the guest, as well as the land, wildlife and people of Africa, at the heart of our business.
Location: Pilanesberg, North West
Distance from Pilanesberg Centre : 9.4km**

Pilanesberg Private Lodge

Pilanesberg Private Lodge - 197413
Pilanesberg Private Lodge is situated in the Black Rhino Reserve is within a 2 hour drive from Johannesburg in a malaria free area with 5 sleeping units that is connected via paved pathways and bridges to the communal area.
Reviews: (7)
Location: Pilanesberg, North West
Distance from Pilanesberg Centre : 11.5km**

Shepherd's Tree Game Lodge

Entertainment Area
Shepherds Tree features 13 double and 4 executive suites accommodating a maximum of 60 guests. Absolute privacy is ensures through the linear positioning of the suites along an elevated contour line, and providing panoramic vistas of the reserve.
TGCSA Grading: Tgsa Grading Tgsa Grading Tgsa Grading Tgsa Grading Tgsa Grading
Reviews: (2)
Location: Pilanesberg, North West
Distance from Pilanesberg Centre : 9.5km**
* Indicative pricing, pricing will be confirmed on booking
**The distances are measured as a straight-line and do not necessarily reflect the actual travelling distance.